Back in the day when I was a collage student. |
Squeals while squeezing old friends. Chatting about the summer while lounging on someone's great-aunt's old couch and drinking too many cups of coffee. The breathless phrase of "I've missed you so much!" after bumping into a classmate. Yep, they say college is a once in a lifetime experience.
So what happens when it's over? Does community just end?
Dramatic? Yes. But a worthwhile question? I think so. Humor me here.
College is where you get a do-over, more or less. You can leave your awkward high-schooler self behind and become a just as awkward, let's be honest, college kid who makes their own schedule and eats whatever they want and lives life as they see fit. AND it's like the only time in your life when your friends are like 5 minutes away from you at all times.
Some of my favorite people/community. |
my feelings to others which, if you know me is a huge step. A baby step, but we're getting somewhere.
Is that enough? I know how to make friends and be a friend but Jesus calls us into radical community, where we cry, laugh, hug, fight, and reconcile with each other. So how do I situate myself to let go of my pride, slow myself down, and be fully present, open, and vulnerable to those around me? How can I listen to someone's needs and then actually walk alongside them in love?
These are the tough questions I'm wrestling with. I don't have answers and I think that's okay. But I'm choosing to be intentional with the relationships God has put before me- to be awkwardly open and love others how they need to be loved and seen and trusting God will meet me where I'm at. My community may no longer life within 5 minutes of me but there is still such fruit from radically loving those I call my friends.