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Welcome to the real life of a full-time adventure seeker and part-time superhero. Will always love Chicago. Currently resides in Bangkok. Enjoys biking through the city and eating too many noodles.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Here's why I'm not getting an endorsement.

Dear North Park education program,

I would like to state my reasons for not becoming endorsed in ESL or Special Education.

1. By getting an endorsement, I am saying that I am capable of teaching children who, in all honesty, I can't.

2. I am not patient. At all. ESL and Special Education teachers have to have patience and I lack that quality a whole lot.

3. I do not want to teach. I'm sorry for crushing your dreams of molding me into an exceptional teacher, but my dreams are to work in non-profit. I'm going to take what I have learned about here and apply it in a non-profit setting.

So please, stop making me feel guilty for not getting an endorsement. Thank you ever so kindly.

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